What's the Link Between Anxiety and Adderall?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety are separate conditions, but for a lot of folks they come as a package deal. Half of ADHD patients also suffer from anxiety disorders. If you're one of them, the right treatment can improve your ADHD symptoms and ease your anxious feelings, too.

Adderall or ADHD is available in many pharmacies, and you can also easily  Buy Adderall online no prescription at all.

What to Expect from ADHD and Anxiety

When you have anxiety along with ADHD, it may make some of your ADHD symptoms worse, such as feeling restless or having trouble concentrating. An anxiety disorder can also have its own set symptoms like:

  • Continual worry about many things
  • Feeling at the edge
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping

Anxiety disorder can cause more than anxiety symptoms. Anxiety disorder can impact your work and relationships as well as your quality of life.

How to tell ADHD from Anxiety

If you buy adderall and use then it can sometimes lead to anxiety. If this is the case, your anxiety can be caused by ADHD. Your worries revolve around how much or how little you can accomplish. ADHD can make you anxious or overwhelm you.

An anxiety disorder can be added to ADHD and cause worry about many things, not just ADHD.

Talk to your doctor about your anxiety so you can both understand where it is coming from. Here are some questions that they might ask:

  • Are you worried about things that don’t make sense to you?
  • Are you having trouble controlling your worries?
  • Are you getting good sleep?
  • Do your worries and fears keep you from engaging in your daily activities?
  • Are you anxious at least three to five days a week, for an hour or more?
  • Are you a victim of a major life event?
  • Are there any family members who have suffered from anxiety in the past?

How to treat ADHD and anxiety

Your doctor will examine which conditions you have that affect your ability to manage ADHD and anxiety. It's possible that your treatment for ADHD may ease your anxiety, so you may only need to take ADHD medication.

Treatment for ADHD can help you:

  • Cut your stress
  • Improve your attention so you manage tasks better
  • Give you mental energy to handle anxiety symptoms more easily

You may need to treat both ADHD and anxiety if your anxiety is not a symptom.

There are some treatments that can be used for ADHD and anxiety.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Relaxation techniques and meditation
  • Prescription medications

ADHD Medication and Anxiety

Stimulants such as methylphenidate or amphetamines are the most commonly prescribed drugs for ADHD. These meds can be helpful for ADHD, even if you are suffering from anxiety.

Stimulants can cause anxiety. Your doctor won't know how a medication will affect you until you take it, but it's possible stimulants may make your anxiety symptoms worse.

Your doctor might recommend other medications, such as the non-stimulant drug Atomoxetine (Strattera) if this is the case.

Your doctor may also recommend antidepressants like:

  • Bupropion (Wellbutrin).
  • Desipramine (Norpramin)
  • Imipramine (Tofranil)
  • Nortriptyline (Pamelor)
  • Venlafaxine (Effexor)

Clonidine (Catapres Kapvay, Kapvay), and guanfacine [Tenex Intuniv, Intuniv] may be helpful for high blood pressure.